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#ZeroSeperation by Ali Brindle

#ZeroSeperation by Ali Brindle

I (Sheena) was recently speaking to a head of midwifery from a local maternity unit, and she happened to mention 'an inspirational student midwife' who was positively influencing practice. It was Ali, Ali Brindle - featured in this post. I asked Ali if she would tell...

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A family affair – the story so far!

A family affair – the story so far!

'I saw your Dad this morning walking William in his pram' - a regular call to Anna, as she skids into school to collect 4 year old Betsy. It seems much of the Ribble Valley spots this Grandad, as he treads the country lanes with the boy, And William is often in the...

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A Midwife in My Pocket!

A Midwife in My Pocket!

We do like to celebrate midwife entrepreneurs. When Emma Cook got in touch to say she'd written a book, a guide for parents, we jumped at the chance to read it - and to 'Shine the Light on' Emma! Emma qualified as a midwife in 1999, and has worked the majority of her...

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An ‘unconventional’ choice: what do midwives do?

An ‘unconventional’ choice: what do midwives do?

Welcome Claire! Thank you so much for being our special guest, and accepting this invitation for me to interview you for our 'In conversation with' series....what an honour! ย I was incredibly interested and excited to read about the subject you have chosen to study,...

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Video Blog

Happy International Day of the Midwife 2017

Happy International Day of the Midwife 2017

We are delighted to welcome you to our very first blog post, on our brand spanking new website! We are launching our site today, on the International Day of the Midwife, to show our firm commitment to midwifery, to partnership and collaboration, and to spreading...

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MaMa Conference 2017

MaMa Conference 2017

The 7th MaMa Conferenceย (Mothers and Midwives Alliance)ย was held on the 28th and 28th April 2017, in Ayr Scotland - and was another ROARing success! Being part of the event gave me a massive boost of positivity, and I hope I shared that with others too. It's always a...

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