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Working on New Website!
We are working on our new website which will be available soon!
Co-facilitate @WeMidwives
Co-facilitate @WeMidwives: a midwives sharing and support Twitter account and social media platform. I coordinate and support regular online chats relating to midwifery and childbearing.
Co-lead of Midwifery Unit Network
In collaboration with the Royal College of Midwives, the Midwifery Unit Network offers support to those wishing to develop midwifery units (birth centres), and to already established midwifery units. The network acts as a hub to share good practice and information resources, and be a community of practice with a shared philosophy essential to offer consistent, excellent and safe care for women and their families.
Midwives Work DVD
In response to several reports of the shortage of midwives, and to highlight the importance of appropriate midwifery care worldwide, I pursued the opportunity to develop a short animated to film. Soo Downe, Frances Day-Stirk and I were the consultant producers. Funded by the RCM, the film is published on the RCM and ICM websites to highlight the issues throughout the world.